Thursday, May 19, 2011


Today I am going to Chicago's Union Station to receive my daughters.  I am bringing them up to MIchigan to come to my graduation from college.  I am receiving an associates degree.  i am so excited!
This associates degree was over a period of 19 years of off and on college work.  I finished it up last summer with just one class!  Yeah for me.  That's all I needed!  What a relief!  So I am going to walk for it now even though my diploma was mailed to me. :)  I am thankful I finally have something for all that work. 
Shiloh's life is a bit disrupted from her routine right now. As it is when people come and go at our house.  She doesn't like that very well but tolerates it well.   She has a great personality for flexibility.  I am looking forward to seeing how the weekend goes with her and the girls being together and the fast pace of the schedule we will be keeping as well.